Field Station Dendro Quiz

Field Station Dendro Quiz

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This quiz is designed to help you refresh your memory from FORS 2319: Dendrology for the dendro quizzes we will do as part of FORS 3110: Field Silviculture at field station. Remember, both spelling and capitalization count. Family and genera are always capitalized, species epithet never is. Common names are only capitalized for proper nouns (e.g. America, Texas, Douglas).

If you get stumped on an image, click the 'Alternate Image' button as many times as necessary to get more photos (up to 30) of the same species.

If you'd like to take a better look at a feature, click the image. A high-resolution version (up to 3000 x 2000 pixels) will open in another tab or window.

Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if the quiz is not working properly. If you'll let me know what browser and operating system you use, we can try and sort out the problem.

Thanks to Kevin Stovall for programming the quiz.

Field Station Dendro Species List

There are fewer species on the field station dendro species list compared to FORS 2319. Many, many quizzes covering identification, common, and scientific names will be given during the field silviculture week of field station PDF (146 Kb).